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    • Silky Europe
    • Spectrum 38
      4706 NM Roosendaal
      The Netherlands
    • Phone: +31(0)165 532992
    • On weekdays between 8.30 AM - 5.00 PM

    • support@silky-europe.com


History Illustration

The day man started making tools, the development of civilization started. These tools were sometimes used as a weapon. On the other hand, tools have given man an abundance of prosperity and progress. Saws are one of those tools that have frequently played an important role. They are used as main tool in building houses, making furniture and instruments.

The history of the technical development of the craft of making saws has known an evolution through ages, which Silky has inherited. In the land of Kisho, the first ticking of the hammer was heard in 1919, by Mr. Katsuji Miyawaki. The founder-craftsman made ‘Tamakitsune’, a former brand of Silky and he put its heart and soul in the making of saws, a passion which was continued by Mr. Uichi Miyawaki, who realised many renewed developments. Especially the invention of an automatic teeth-setting machine in the ’70, a big revolution of making saws started: it made the sharpness of the Silky saws inaccessible. 

In the ‘80, the best methods were developed for the setting of the teeth;
‘4-Retsume’ and ‘Mirai-Me’, which made an impressive improvement in the sharpness of the teeth. Furthermore, in 1982, the CI (Corporate Identity) was introduced, which incorporated the different stages in the production of the saws and which speeded up the development of the saws. Also the concept of a full-scale design was introduced which made the draft and the design of the brand, the products, packaging and catalogues etc. as a whole. 

Gomtaro and Gomboy were launched in 1985. They were trendsetting products because for the first time rubber was used in the handle of the saw. Especially the Gomtaro caused excitement in the industry and it received the Good-Design Price in the same year. In the eyes of many users the Gomboy was the standard for the folding saws. Later on, many beautiful saws were introduced into the market, all with the typical Silky quality and design. 
An important issue in the existence of mankind is to cherish all what is left from nature. Therefore we have to plant young trees and to take good care of the old trees, of which our children will benefit. Silky has the desire to be ecologically friendly by making hand-saws.

Silky makes saws, which are both man- and tree-kind, and she does here utmost to pass on this feeling, not only in Japan, but all over the world. Today this wish comes to fulfilment daily. The passion of Silky spreads its wings and flies all over the world. Their products, with guaranteed quality, are worldwide appreciated by professional users and make Silky grow as a company, as a producer of original saws.